Dr. Daniel Angst
Dr. Daniel Angst
Staff of Professorship for Pathogen Ecology
ETH Zürich
Additional information
Research area
My scientific interest all revolve around antibiotic resistance. I have worked on the costs and benefits of antibiotic resistance genes and how bacteria (individually and in groups) manage these trade-offs. At the moment my work focuses on the prudent use of antibiotics in metapopulations and how antibiotics could be used in a way that reduces the likelhood of resistance evolution.
since 2016: Research assistant Labautomation at the Theoretical Biology Group
2011 - 2016: PhD Student with Sebastian Bonhoeffer and Martin Ackermann (Group Molecular Microbial Ecology)
9/2010-2/2011: Internship in the anti-infectives departement at Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
2009-2011: MSc Environmental Science, Ecology and Evolution at ETH Zürich. Thesis Title: "Evolution of antibiotic resistance at subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics"
2005-2009: BSc Environmental Sciences at ETH Zürich
Before 2020
2018, Antivir Ther